How Does It Benefit To Purchase Extended Warranty Insurance for Your High-End Laptop?


Computer systems have become an inevitable part of personal as well as professional lives. They help facilitate trade and commerce at a seamless pace eliminating paper work in its entirety. The evolution of computer systems started with large non-portable computers to now handy and mobile-friendly laptops. Now laptops are synonymous to computer systems in corporates that make it convenient to carry on the work, on-the-go. There is an increased demand for laptops, especially during the pandemic, when majority of the people choose to work from home. Any damage to your high-end laptop can mean work coming to a standstill. Also, these laptops contain expensive spares that may burn a hole in your wallet; but not when you have an extended warranty cover. 

Laptops are classified as consumer electronics and are generally covered under the manufacturer’s warranty. This warranty is available only for a limited duration thereby leaving your without any coverage once this tenure ends. To avoid living your life on the edge, when it comes to expensive high-end laptops, it is advisable to opt for an extended warranty in your laptop insurance

Coverage under extended warranty insurance for laptops

A laptop being important personal as well as business asset, make sure you purchase an extended warranty cover for it. Here are some of the damages covered under general insurance cover available for laptops – 

  • The screen is the most fragile part of the laptop and is most expensive when it comes to repair costs.
  • Also, electrical and mechanical damages are included in its coverage. All leading brands of laptops are generally covered however, you must cross-check with your insurance company whether the model you have bought is covered before finalising the purchase. 
  • Further, theft, burglary, accidental damage and even liquid damage which is common when travelling is also covered so that you do not need to pay for these expensive repairs. 
  • Hardware as well as software defects that occur outside the standard warranty offered by the manufacturer also form part of its cover. 
  • Lastly, any damages during shipping the laptop are also insured under such policy. 

* Standard T&C Apply

The benefits of buying extended warranty laptop insurance 

  • Firstly, the coverage offered by the manufacturer is extended to a period of two or three years depending on what your insurer has to offer. 
  • The invoice value of your entire laptop is considered as the maximum amount thereby covering any possible repairs required within that specified amount. 
  • These extended warranty plans also offer cashless facility where the general insurance company directly pays the costs of repairs or replacement required to the manufacture or service centre. 
  • Moreover, any depreciation fee is also waived off for spares that require replacement. 
  • Finally, some insurance companies offer collection services free of charge to facilitate convenience. 

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The eligibility criteria to buy a laptop insurance cover

There is no specific eligibility to purchase an extended warranty plan for your laptop. All personal as well as business organisations can opt for one. All you need to do is after you purchase your laptop, approach the insurance company and purchase a plan best suited to your requirement. 

These are some advantages of why you must purchase an extended warranty insurance for your laptop. Not only for laptops, such extended home appliance insurance for other consumable products. When buying, keep in mind that insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms and conditions, please read sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.