The most reliable of the cloud mining sites


Cloud mining becomes more and more popular and with the growing proposition on the market, people are starting to consider it as a new way of investing their money. Sad to say that behind most cloud mining platforms there are scam projects which are organized as the financial pyramids where people get paid by funds generated by newcomers. All those projects are scams without real feedback and real equipment or any documents/certifications. How to identify scams and how to choose companies to work with.

How to identify fake companies?

  • First of all, fake projects won’t have any evidence of providing financial and mining activities. Mining is not an easy process and to perform this business, it’s needed to have a lot of professional equipment. It’s enough to ask for photo evidence of existing mining farms.
  • Also, scam projects could be identified from the first entering the website. Usually, they promise unrealistic results without any risks. The real company will always have a cryptocurrency calculator for transparency of all returning on investment.
  • One more trigger which could be considered as the red tissue is the lack of client support and a real person to communicate with. Reliable companies will always have a customer support department.

How to choose a reliable company to work with?

  • First of all, the lack of triggers provided above. The company should be active and have verified feedbacks of its real customers
  • Secondly, it’s always a good sign if a company provides additional information about the service. Different tariffs, conditions, etc. This means that the company has the real service and is ready to perform it.

Also, the most reliable cloud mining sites have a well-designed platform with a custom user interface and home office for providing and monitoring all activities.